Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ready for the next big event

Well, we're all moved in! We had so much help on Monday it was unbelievable!! We are so grateful for all the help!! Now we're ready for the next big day...the arrival of our new baby! I found out yesterday that I have to go in to be induced on Wednesday night at 9pm. We are so excited!! I have already been to the hospital twice though. Friday night after we closed on our new house I ended up going in because I was having pretty intense contractions every 2-3 minutes. I didn't end up dialating any further so they gave me a pill to stop the false labor. Then on Wednesday night during the congregational meeting at our church I was having pretty strong ones again. I called the on-call doc to see what to do and once again they told me to come in.....and once again I got sent home!! Oh well....this baby is going to come when the time is right. Now we've just gotta get through the diner and we'll be through all of our craziness and ready to add a little more craziness having a newborn around again!


The Turner Family said...

Sounds like you've got a ton going on! Cant wait to meet the new addition! I'd love to help if you need anything so please let us know!

Nick and Kristi Bonstell said...

Congrats on the house. we will miss you guys around here:) Good Luck on Wednesday...hope all goes as planned:)

Jessica said...

Yeah! Can't wait to meet my new niece/nephew! Keep us posted...Oh, and we want to see the new place soon too. You guys are having quite a busy month :)

Aaron and Heidi Nienhuis said...

praying for you today!! hope everything comes out okay...can't wait to see the new little one!