Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Surprise! I'm a Michael Jackson fan...

It's true! I really enjoyed Michael Jackson's music! I know he is really wierd and sort of creepy....BUT he had some really good songs! I just can't believe that he died! How crazy!! I added my 2 favorite songs of Jackson on my playlist....of course there are many more favorites!! I used to LOVE the song "Black or White". I remember Brooke and I would crank that song up and dance and sing to it back when we were in elementary school. That was back before Michael went all creepy and he was just trying to "Heal the World". So now you know....I've officially come out of the closet as a Michael Jackson fan. Whew! I feel so much better!!!


Aaron and Heidi Nienhuis said...

hmm..I'm a bit surprised, and a bit disappointed! haha, but it's okay I guess we can still be friends. Oh and I wanted to clarify something - the comment we left on your lactating post...that was all Heidi. I didn't want you to think that I thought that was cute...HA! sorry we missed the baptism, we really wanted to be there. hope we can get together soon. -aaron

girl meets carpenter said...

Say it isn't so! I have to say, I suspected it all along! But for you to come out of the closet.... :)

Although, 'Heal the World' was a good one and what was the one on 'Free Willy'? I always liked that one too!