Friday, October 9, 2009

I'd like to give Obama a Noble PIECE OF MY MIND!!!!

I find it extremely sickening to hear that Barack Obama has won a Nobel Peace Prize. What is the world's facination with this guy? Would any of us get a Nobel Prize if we said to the murderers out there....

"It's okay. I understand that this victim is a huge burden in your life right now....why don't you go ahead and kill them, and well if you can't afford a gun we'll go ahead and provide one for you. It's your choice, it's your shouldn't have to deal with something in your life that is unwanted."

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD that we would first of all stand by and let this stuff happen not to mention give the man who has the power to stop this cruelty a PEACE PRIZE!!!!

I am SO sick and tired of people only worried about themselves!! After all if two people wouldn't have been worried so much about themselves when it came to that sensual moment....then they wouldn't have had to worry about caring about the new someone they were creating!

Been there....done that! We made a selfish choice against God's will about 7 years ago and believe me it was not an easy time in our lives! BUT thanks to God's mercy and grace he turned that poor choice into a beautiful new life that we now call our son. Is Taylor's life more important now than it was at 1 second gestation....NO!!! It was important and precious the entire time.

We need to be PRAYING HARD for this country! Everyone is more worried about saving the environment than saving the lives of innocent children!!

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